1 Bar Psig
The answer is 14 503773800722.
1 bar psig. Bar to psi converter chart endmemo. 1 0 5 0 2 0 1 5 10. 1 bar 14 5037738 psi. There are 14 5 pounds per square inch in 1 bar to convert any value in bars to pounds per square inch just multiply the value in bars by the conversion factor 14 503773800722.
The bar is a unit of measurement for pressure. Psi gauge is the pressure from gauge it equals psi absolute 1 atmosphere pressure. Bar is a pressure unit and is about equal to the atmospheric pressure at sea level. Bar to psi is a bar to pounds per square inch pressure conversion converter.
0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100. 1 bar 14 5038 psi. 1 bar to psig 14 50377 psig. You can view more details on each measurement unit.
Quick conversion chart of bar to psig. 1 bar is equal to 100 000 pascals which is close approximately to atmospheric pressure so it is often used to represent atmospheric pressure rather than standard atmosphere 101325 pascals. Bar psi conversion table. Suppose at the sea level the atmosphere pressure is standard atmosphere which is 14 7 psi so.
The unit bar was introduced by vilhelm bjerknes a norwegian meteorologist who founded modern weather forecasting. It is equal to 0 987 atmospheres 101 325 pa the unit often used as a reference of standard pressure. 1 psi 0 068947 bar. Note that rounding errors may occur so always check the results.
1 pascal is equal to 0 00014503773800722 psig or 1 0e 5 bar. It is widely used in the daily life particularly in european countries though that is a non si unit. Bar psi conversion. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units.
1 pascal is equal to 1 0e 5 bar or 0 00014503773800722 psig. How many psig in 1 bar. Length weight volume temperature area pressure energy power force time speed degree fuel consumption data storage. Bar is a metric unit of pressure that is defined as exactly 100 000 pascals symbol.
So 1 bar times 14 503773800722 is equal to 14 5 pounds per square inch. We assume you are converting between pound square inch gauge and bar. Please visit pressure conversion to convert all pressure units. It converts units bar to psi or vice versa with a metric conversion chart.
The term bar comes from the greek word baros which means weight.